The Boodle Blog

4 July

Get Back On Track With Your Resolutions

Remember the resolutions you made at the start of the year? Well, July is the half-way mark so now it’s time to check in and see how you’re doing. Use these tips to get back on track with your goals and resolutions:

1. Remind yourself often

The minute you let your goals fall by the wayside, they can be lost forever. Make daily reminders for yourself that will push you. Pester your best friend/workmate/partner/mother to nag you to work on your goals.

2. Rid yourself of distractions

Remove any distractions that are stopping you from achieving your goal (like your phone which eats up precious time) and block out chunks of time in your schedule to work on your objective.

3. Track your progress and reward yourself

Find a way to monitor or measure the progress of your goal, and start tracking it closely – use an app, a calendar, a chart, a diary or a Facebook post to visibly track your progress and make you accountable.

4. Don’t bombard yourself

It’s pretty hard to score a new job, a new house and a new exercise regime all at once, so tackle them one at a time – then they become achievable actions, not a stockpile of all the things you need to do.

5. Stay positive

Maybe your initial goals were a little unachievable and could use a little tightening. Check in with where you’re at and make progressive changes.