Apply For a Loan With Boodle
How Easy Is It To Apply For A Loan
The answer to the question will depend both on who you ask and where you apply forr a loan. If you choose Boodle Loans, then the answer would be simply be "very easy". When you apply for a loan through us, you know that it will be a quick and easy, from the second you begin your application, until the moment you recieve the money you applied for. We know that loans can be time-sensitive, which is why we strive not to waste your time with unnecessary forms and exhaustive background and credit checks. We will ony ask for your basic information such as your contact details, your ID number, and your banking infor to verify that you are who you say you are (and so that we pay the money to the right person). Other than that, you can done in less time than it would take to make and enjoy a cup of coffee.
Where Can I Apply For A Loan?
All our applications are done online - no need to visit a branch or wait in any queues. Just head to our home page and use the SmileDial® to select the amount you need to borrow and the time period you need to borrow it for. You will be able to see all the applicable rates and fees from the very beginning, so make sure you understand how everything is calculated before you proceed. When you are ready, just click on "Get Boodle Now" and follw the applicatoin process as mentioned at the beginning of the article
One thing to take note of if you are a first-time borrower, is that you will not be able to borrow the hiest amount we have on offer. You will at first only be able to borrow an amount of R4000, which can be increased with subsequent applications if you pay on time and your scheduled dates
What Are My Options If I Apply For A Loan And Get Denied?
In the rare instance where you application gets denied by us, it is not neccessarily the end of the road. For from it, in fact. There are still options available to you, as well as a robust appeals process to ensure that you are given a fair chance to reapply with special conditions.
Before we explain how to appeal, we first need to explain how our applications are processed. When you apply for a loan, your information is processed by our system, which includes an automatic credit card check and an affordability calculation. The system may decide to decline you application due to a combination of several factors, but you can still submit an application for us to review your request. During the review, one of our human agents will personally examine your application and will see if there is any way to accommodate your needs. If your application fails completely, you can still reapply after 30 days
If you need any assistance, do not hesitate to contact us.